The Latest on Wind Turbine Technology

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wind turbine technologyGamesa Technology Corp. will be partnering up with the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for the purpose of developing newer improved wind turbine systems for the U.S market.  They will be teamed up through 2013 with the option for additonal collaboration 2 more years afterward.

The main purpose of  this joining together of private and public sectors is to “examine every aspect of the turbine from its base to the blade tip at its apex, along with all the parts that make it turn,” says Dr. Miguel Angel Gonzalez-Posada, VP of Technology for Gamesa North America. The main focus according the company is the interior and exterior components as well as the rotors and blades. Research will be used toexamine how bigger rotors, and blade aerodynamics can be changed to improve energy production.

They will also examine turbine performance in a range of different temperatures at high altitude to help make sure  they can function effectively in almost any environment. Also new converter technologies will also be used to examine ways to increase energy output while at the same time maintaining the reliability of the module.

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