How Will Tariffs Impact Composite Manufacturers?

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[app_audio src=”″] With growing concerns about the impact of tariffs on steel and aluminum, many are questioning what the impact will be in the composites industry. Already tariffs are causing concern across some supply chains, causing “panic buying” of raw materials, which has led to an increase in prices.
However, experts like Srikanth Pilla, director of Clemson University’s new Composites Center, believe the tariffs could, in fact, have positive long-term impacts on the industry. This might depend on how long aggressive trade actions continue.

This week, Kevin Williams, a US trade law attorney joins me on the show to discuss tariffs, and how they could affect US composites manufacturers as well as other industries in the US.

Kevin practices Customs and International Trade Law, focusing on all aspects of the import and export process. He also advises clients on export licensing and develops comprehensive import and export compliance programs. He is a member of the Illinois State and American Bar Associations, and the Customs & International Trade Bar Association.

You can find out more about Kevin and his firm by visiting

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