Discussing the Advantages of Hemp-Based Biocomposites with Jesse Henry of Heartland Industries

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This week Jesse Henry, CEO, and founder of Heartland Industries joins me on the podcast to discuss their company. Heartland Ind. provides manufacturers with a sustainable source of additives like fillers, reinforcements, & mineral extenders to enhance products they already make. 

On this episode, we’ll be discussing the benefits of hemp fibers and how they process the hemp plant to make materials that are stronger, lighter, and cheaper than traditional products. Hemp-based composites have tinsel strengths, spring loads, and brittleness that can replace wood, metal, fiberglass, and plastic parts that are used across the industry.

American manufacturers would love to utilize hemp as an additive, but they don’t currently have a reliable supply chain. This leaves hemp sitting in the R&D departments of large corporations and universities. 

Today Heartland Industries is creating the first reliable supply chain of hemp-based materials for manufacturers across the composites industry. This will allow hemp to move beyond R&D departments and into manufactured goods. 

You can learn more by visiting them today at https://www.heartland.io.

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