Composite and Wood Bats Replacing Aluminum at New Mexico High School League

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composite bats The New Mexico Activities Association has now outlawed the use of aluminum bats in their high school baseball leagues. Studies show that aluminum bats which are lighter than traditional wooden bats, can send baseballs hurling at speeds of over 100 mph.

Composite bats are also lighter than wooden bats but have greater overall benefits than both aluminum and wood. They were made popular during the 2001 “Bat Wars”. The primary disadvantage according to Penn State University is that it takes approximately 100 swings to break in the composite fiber in the bats so they perform correctly.

Is this the beginning of a new trend in local leagues across the country?  The New Mexico Activities Association has cited safety as the primary reason for the switch and expects the composite bats to reduce injuries during the season. It should be noted that composite bats have been banned in other parts of the country due to the speed of the ball off the bat.

Click here to read the full story on the New Mexico Activities Association decision.

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