This week, I welcome Anvesh Gurijala and Kedar Murthy of Boston Materials on the show to talk about their company as well as Supercomp™, a...
The structural engineering profession has a history of constant innovation as engineers and researchers strive to increase the safety and...
[app_audio src=”;] This week, John Cogger joins me on Composites Weekly to discuss the keys to success for composites in new...
This week we welcome Andrew Mullins and Andy Phillips on the show. Andrew is the president of VISIONknit, a leading technical knitting...
[app_audio src=”;] This week, I welcome Douglas Griffin on the show. Doug is the co-founder and president of Modern Recovery Systems...
[app_audio src=”;] This week, we welcome Michael Tate (COO) and Matt Villarreal (CEO) of Infinite Composite Technologies. Infinite...
On this episode, we welcome Matt Giaraffa on the show to talk about his company Guerrilla Gravity, a mountain bike manufacturing...
[app_audio src=”;] An issue facing the composites industry right now is how to reuse and repurpose material, to avoid landfilling and...
[app_audio src=”;] This week we welcome Dr. Matthew Dunbar on the show to discuss shape shifting composites. Shape-shifting materials...
[app_audio src=”;] According to Transparency Market Research, the global market for carbon fibers is growing at a CAGR 0f 6.8%...
[app_audio src=”;] When discussing AI and robotics, our first response is to imagine how this technology will one day replace human...
[app_audio src=”;] With growing concerns about the impact of tariffs on steel and aluminum, many are questioning what the impact will...